Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Playing catchup

Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! Things have simultaneously been status quo and changing all the time. Our Ms. Piper can sit up on her own - without propping herself with her hands! She also has taken to pulling herself up into a standing position when she grabs your hands, which took us quite by surprise the first time she did it (Saturday or Sunday).

We did have a little scare on Sunday - Perhaps due to all that pulling herself up, Piper ended up with a dislocated elbow, aka 'Nursemaid's elbow'. We had a little trip to the ER, because of course we didn't know what it was. Thank goodness it had actually popped itself back into place before we even saw a doctor. Everyone at UMass was wonderful, and Piper was back to her smiley, happy self before we were back in the car. True to form, she won over both her doctors. Every time I take her out, people can't stop commenting on what a beautiful, happy little girl she is.

I have a couple of videos I need to upload from my camera, so in the mean time, here are a couple 'vintage' photos - from November 9th. :)

And one of Piper snuggling her daddy (Grandma Carol, this one's for you!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooooohhhh My poor little sweet baby. How in the world did she do it? I'm so glad she's all back to normal! Thanks for the adorable pics. What does Piper want for Christmas?