For your amusement - I tried to catch Piper's adorable babbling on video. She was talking away to nothing in particular - until I turned the camera on, of course. She does do a tiny bit of talking, but nothing like she is prone to. She did, however, enjoy batting at the camera like she was a superstar and I was an annoying photo hound. And then she tried to climb up my torso.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My Funny Valentine
Sorry I haven't been this blogger lately, loyal family and readers. Tax season is upon us which means my mind is going in 15 different directions at once pretty much all the time. But I did want to share some pictures of my silly girl with you. Grandma Carol sent some adorable outfits, which she has been turning out in style this past week and weekend.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
We had a great playdate this morning. My godmother came to visit along with her daughter, her 2 children, and her daughter in law. Parker is 4 and Phelan is 6 months old - exactly 2 months younger than Piper, in fact.
Unfortunately, we were too busy answering Parker's questions to take many photos. And the ones I did take did not come out that great. But all three of the 'P's had a great time! Yes, our Christmas tree is STILL up - we are waiting for a get together to exchange gifts before we take it down.

The difference a month makes...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Piper Meets Penelope
On December 6th, the trio of us went to visit Auntie Michelle & Uncle Josh for a quiet evening of good company, vino, and movies. Piper loves visiting Josh & Michelle, and she is entranced by their giant TV! Piper wore a little Christmas ensemble, complete without outfit from Auntie Moe and hat made by Nana (of course).
Before we left, I had to introduce Piper to Penelope the Guinea Pig. Piper gets such a kick out of Delaini the cat and Seamus the dog, and pretty much any other animal she meets. True to form, our girl was enthralled by the Other Ms. P. She even offered her binky, how generous!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Piper had a very fun First Thanksgiving! We went to the Haran house, as usual - it is always great to get together - you can count on some fun. Considering we practice our Martini Bar a couple weeks in advance, fun was definitely in store.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Playing catchup
Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! Things have simultaneously been status quo and changing all the time. Our Ms. Piper can sit up on her own - without propping herself with her hands! She also has taken to pulling herself up into a standing position when she grabs your hands, which took us quite by surprise the first time she did it (Saturday or Sunday).

We did have a little scare on Sunday - Perhaps due to all that pulling herself up, Piper ended up with a dislocated elbow, aka 'Nursemaid's elbow'. We had a little trip to the ER, because of course we didn't know what it was. Thank goodness it had actually popped itself back into place before we even saw a doctor. Everyone at UMass was wonderful, and Piper was back to her smiley, happy self before we were back in the car. True to form, she won over both her doctors. Every time I take her out, people can't stop commenting on what a beautiful, happy little girl she is.
I have a couple of videos I need to upload from my camera, so in the mean time, here are a couple 'vintage' photos - from November 9th. :)
And one of Piper snuggling her daddy (Grandma Carol, this one's for you!)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A thought.
I just wanted to say how overwhelmingly proud I am that my daughter will grow up in an America where an African American could always be President. I hope you will share her father's and my love for history, and will study with amazement the time when we were not all considered equal.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Babysitting with the Harans
This past Sunday, Jonathan and I met some friends out for dinner, and the Haran clan happily agreed to watch Piper while we went out. They all had a great time. Piper LOVED Georgie (the Cockerpoo).
She also loved watching football with Uncle John & Shane, and showing Auntie Helena the ropes of her activity mat!
October 31: Halloween!
I dressed up our little Nemo around 5 and brought her around the block to see our neighbors, the Hamiltons and the Garlands. It was fun showing her off! After that, we loaded Ms. Piper up and drove her to Uncle John & Auntie Donna's house to visit. She was asleep when we got there, but she was so happy to see everyone!
We capped off the night by going to the Auburn vs. Northbridge game to support Uncle Pat's coaching efforts. They won, 28-6! Piper thought the lights were awesome, and people Oooed and Aahhed over our cute little fishie. Hard to believe that next year at this time she will be walking around!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Piper the Cowgirl.
Piper loves her Jumperoo. Loves. It. She can hang out in it for 20-45 minutes at a time! Watching her bouncing and bopping around never gets old, either. I submit for your viewing pleasure...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We Miss Daddy!
Jonathan flew out of Boston on Friday afternoon to meet up with his dad in Ft. Lauderdale. Frank has a conference this week, and so they decided to continue their tradition of meeting up for an NFL game by going to see the Miami/Buffalo game today.

Piper and I saw Jonathan off at the Logan Express station Friday afternoon. We've had a pretty low-key weekend. Visiting with Aunt Maureen, going to the grocery store Saturday and Kohl's and Target today, and of course spending quality time with her horsie jumperoo!
We can't wait to pick Daddy up in Framingham tomorrow afternoon!
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