Since I last posted, Piper has gotten two teeth, and a boatload of Christmas presents. She is officially 8 months old, still not baptized (working on that!) and likes to clap, be sung to (If You're Happy and You Know It and Chim Chim Cheree, still her favorites), get flipped upside down, be a Baby Hat, and munch on her giraffe pal Sophie.

Mum has gotten a bit distracted now that tax season is back in full swing. Piper spends two days a week with Auntie Moe so Mummy can work, and she spends two nights a week and some weekend time with Daddy. Mummy vows to be a better blogger so the masses get what they crave - more of the Pipster!
Yay for updates and more pics! I wish we lived close to each other so we could have playdates!!!
You and me both!!! Someday...
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