Monday, October 13, 2008


Yesterday seemed like a good day to start solids.

There is quite a bit of healthy debate over when to start solids. The AAP basically says any time between 4 and 6 months. I have run into a few holier-than-thou moms over on who look down their noses if you start earlier than 6 months. Holier-than-thou people are never fun. There has been evidence linking the early (as in, earlier than 4 months) introduction of solids to childhood obesity, so I wasn't in any huge rush.

Our pediatrician told me at Piper's 4 month check up that we were free to start solids if we wanted, but we were also free not to start solids until we were ready. She also suggested we skip rice cereal and go right to oatmeal, since rice can be binding.

Piper has been increasingly curious at mealtimes, very obviously following forks and spoons with her eyes. She's also got a healthy appetite, so we thought - why not? At least give it a shot and see where she's at. So, yesterday we set up shop on the living room floor, Piper in her bumbo seat with tray (courtesy of Grandma Carol) and mixed up the oatmeal. The results?

Piper was far more interested in gnawing on her spoon and grabbing the bowl than she was in swallowing the oatmeal. She didn't dislike it, she just wasn't sure what to do with it once it was in her mouth.

We may try again next weekend. Like I said - no rush here!

1 comment:

wee said...

yay for piper! glad you are trying but not rushing. :) you are a good mommy.

p.s. we are trying rice cereal tonight... we will see